Lamp Lessons: Lessons Make Lamps. Lessons Lamps Learn. Blender is Neat.

I call it “Lamp Lessons.” Because even non-sentient desk furniture should know to put pencils away when done with them. It seems the mom lamp is scolding the child lamp for some reason. Maybe the child lamp forgot to put the pencil back with it’s mate? How did the child lamp hold a pencil, you ask? Don’t ask. It’s rude.

I took a short break after completing the donut tutorial to learn a bit about Unity’s Mecanim system. And a bit is exactly how much I learned. I feel like that despite the endless complexity the Mecanim system offers, I learned it more quickly than I was expecting. One short Udemy course does not make an expert, I understand, but I feel comfortable with that I know. Comfortable enough to move on and take another Blender course.
See, Blender, unlike Unity and the Mecanim system, is not coming to me quickly. 3D modeling is quite hard for me, actually. So, for now, I’m turning my focus to Blender with the hopes of coming back into the animation side when I learn how to create custom animation rigs in Unity. At that point, I think, the words of Unity and Blender will truly collide, and then I will truly be able to make some cool games.
Always follow passion. Right now, I have a passion to learn more about 3D modeling. It sure doesn’t hurt that I’m having a ton of fun doing it (Fun is the strongest direct motivator).