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Tag Archives video games

We’re all scared of the coronavirus, even us gamers who are generally pretty okay with filth. I mean, when was the last time you actually cleaned your controllers? But I’m here to show you some ways you can protect yourself so that once we’re all allowed to go outside again we can stay inside and play video games. This video is supposed to be funny. Seriously, don't do the dumb stuff in this video. Please consult proper information at for everything coronavirus related.

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I hit a video game milestone recently: I have beaten 100 games! I thought it would be fun to rank all 100 of the games in a series of videos. Here’s the next video, ranking games 21 - 25.

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I hit a video game milestone recently: I have beaten 100 games! I thought it would be fun to rank all 100 of the games in a series of videos. Here’s the next video, ranking games 26 - 30.

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The credits are rolling on Evoland, a unique JRPG so heavily inspired by early The Legend of Zelda Games, early Final Fantasy games, and Diablo that if I owned any of those properties I’d have an urge to sue.
Watch the rest of the Game's Over Video Game Reviews here at this YouTube playlist.

Journey to the Savage Planet is a wonderful, budget-friendly title that just might hold you over until Metroid Prime 4 arrives...if Metroid Prime 4 arrives is just under 12 hours or so. Watch the rest of the Game's Over Video Game Reviews here at this YouTube playlist.
