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tardis tag. Booktube

The Owl's Perch (subscribe: was kind enough to tag me in the TARDIS tag, which was started by Sue Moro (subscribe: I'll be honest, I feel like underqualified for this job. Sure, I've made many booktube videos over that last couple of years, but I've never actually watched Doctor Who. GASP! Que??????? But, I get the show's concept (I think), which I hope was enough to let me do justice to this tag. Thanks so much to The Owl's Perch for tagging me. I anticipate some of you may hate this video. I criticize certain readers of Genesis (from The Bible, not from The Great Britain), Harry Potter, and maybe Doctor Who, though with the later criticization it's more about me making fun of myself for never having watched the show. Mentioned: The Beasts of Upton Puddle by Simon West-Bulford The Soul Consortium by Simon West-Bulford House of…

National Novel Brain Storm

Okay, we aren’t doing the work for you. But we are giving you a pleasant bump. Not as in cocaine. Unless you’re writing a book about cocaine. Perhaps a family of W.A.S.P (“pleasant”) take to cocaine to help them through their rigid dinner conversations, most of which painfully circumnavigate the 8 weeks pregnant daughter (another “bump”…). It works. For a while. Until the son, Tommy Fitzgerald, brings a friend to dinner. This friend, unbeknownst to the W.A.S.P family, happens to be the son of the city police chief and may be the baby’s father. A Pleasant Bump is a story of a family finding ways to bond in unlikely places, and of the law that tears them apart. There’s one idea for you right there. See, that was easy. Join me, Sarah Jane Connor (MotherEffingBooks), Liz Vallish (ElizzieBooks), and perhaps a few other guests as we extemporaneously formulate a collection…

Andrew, known as HeavyShelves in BookTube land, was kind enough to invite me to a Google Hangout a few nights ago where he treated me like a rockstar for almost 3 hours. That's a long time, especially when you consider the time frame was 12am - 3am his time (he's in the UK). I definitely encourage you to take a watch. Or, just listen, as you would a podcast (visually, it's pretty much just webcam style cuts between his face and mine...except for one truly amazing appearance by Nicholas Cage...see image below). Andrew asked some great questions, and we had some great discussions. List for these gems: My publishing history (and the importance of knowing people, starting here) Writers need to know their productivity limitations (more about why I can't be allowed to write 8 hours/day, starting here) The importance of caring about what you write (the real "write what…

I anticipate some reactions to this video book review will be negative. Of those negative reviews, I anticipate 3 response types: Hatred from those that haven’t read the book, but simply want to defend Mark Z. Danielewski (I understand this feeling, believe me; and despite how I feel about The Fifty Year Sword, I will continue to defend Danielewski, even if only for his potential; House of Leaves remains one of my favorite novels of all time) Hatred from those who have read the book, and claim that I’m simply too dumb to “get it” (again, I understand this feeling and am willing to embrace this possibility) Hatred from those who have read it and claim to like it. It’s this last group that I’m most interested in. Those of you in this last group, please, please, please help me understand what I must have missed. I want to like…
