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It’s a new month and a (mostly) new list of things to read and things to drink. I say “mostly” new because once again I failed to read White Noise by Don DeLillo. But I have good reason. That reason: a read along with Rincey ( featuring Donna Tartt’s The Secret History. I’m committing to just one book this month, because I always seem to let myself down anyway. Set the bar low, is my new mantra.

I was tagged by MartheBozart to do this 10 Influential Books tag. The basic idea is that I choose 10 books that have been influential to me in some way. I decided to group my 10 selections into books that influenced me as 1) a reader, 2) a writer, and 3) a...well, this tier is miscellaneous.

A video book review of The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt - The Goldfinch is a big book, both in physical size and ambition. What initially seems like a straightforward story of a teenage boy dealing with the death of his mother turns into an epic coming of age story that teases the us, the reader, with where our emotional investment should reside. What am I drinking: Merry Maker Gingerbread Stout from Sam Adams

What I read: The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt (just a few dozen pages left, so I'm considering it a win) Radium Girls by Amanda Gowin What I'll be reading: White Noise by Don DeLillo (seriously this time) Incarnations by Chris Deal What I'll be drinking: Rubaeus Raspberry Ale from Founders Brewing Co. Love Child #4 from Boulevard Brewing Co. Championship Ale from Boulevard Brewing Co. Imperial Biscotti Break from Evil Twin Imperial Doughnut Break from Evil Twin

This makes two videos in a row in which I wear a Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds shirt and drink Sexy Betty Imperial Stout. No, I'm not a slob drunk; I simply recorded two videos in a row. Amanda Gowin's Radium Girls is all sorts of interesting. It's weird, it's heartfelt, it's wavering, it's beautiful, it's poetic, and it's a bunch of other things I can't think of right now because I'm tired. You should buy this book!
