D.J Qualls as a morally confused human stain cleaner in the movie adaptation of Stranger Will?

Am I the Next Big Thing? Up-front honesty: no, I’m not the Next Big Thing. However, I have been asked by Richard Thomas to be a part of this blog Q&A thing called The Next Big Thing. I’d explain what The Next Big Thing blog Q&A is, but really, little explanation is needed. I was asked the following questions, and in turn, I will ask the following questions of a new group of writers (listed below the responses). On to the self-indulgence.
- What is the working title of your next book? Technically, it’s Stranger Will, due out January 16th 2013, but that’s a re-release of a novel. As for unpublished work, I’m working on two: The Synapse and The Bettors; I promise neither title will stay, as they both follow an unfulfilled [definite article] [vague noun] pattern that should probably be reserved only for terrible magazine rack thrillers.
- Where did the idea come from for the book? Stranger Will is a composite of two dissimilar ideas which I’ve forced to exist in the same world: 1) a man who cleans up the remains left from dead bodies (I read a short newspaper article about this occupation years ago, which sparked my interest), and 2) messenger pigeons being shot down before they could deliver their messages. This literal interrupting of a communication was very interesting to me.
- What genre does your book fall under? It’s been called horror. I’d agree with that. Psychological, if so. It’s also a definite noir story in the true sense of the term, meaning morally ambiguous character ends no better off than when he started.
What actors would you choose to play the part of your characters in a movie rendition? Mrs. Rose, the villain, a grade school principal with evil intentions, would be Gloria Stuart if she were still alive. So, probably Margo Martindale. The protagonist, a run-down human stain cleaner, William Lowson, I’d see a skinny thirty something. Maybe if D.J Qualls wanted to turn dark, he’d be good for it.
- What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book? In this novel of impending fatherhood, an idealistic teacher recruits a pliant protégé to join her group of Strangers – a devout collection of kindred minds who have dedicated their lives to cultivating a unique idea of perfection; but joining is easier than leaving.
- Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency? Neither. It’s being published by Perfect Edge Books (based out of the UK) with no agent representation.
- How long did it take you to write the first draft of the manuscript? One year.
- What other books would you compare this story to within your genre? Maybe, Camus’ The Stranger (not just in title).
- Who or what inspired you to write this book? A newspaper article written about a person who professionally cleans the remains of dead bodies. Occupations have always been rich impetuses for characters.
- What else about the book might pique the reader’s interest? This re-released version has been expanded with additional content including an interview, essays, and more. Also, it’s been called Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance for a new generation.
I’ve nominated (and more importantly, they’ve agreed to participate) the following writers.
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