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Tag Archives perfect edge books

I read an early version of this collection, What Precision, Such Restraint, a few years ago, during which time I must have been drunk, since though I recall enjoying the collection I don’t remember it being so front-loaded with genius. I read two stories today, the first and second, chronologically. Both are amazing, but it’s the second I want to mention here, “That Lombardi Thing” which encapsulates what I consider to be the absolutely best kind of story: voice-driven, thought-provoking, and never too full of itself. This is why I love Saramago. This is why I love Brian Evenson (though his characters do tend to be a bit full of themselves, the stories aren’t). This is what I try to write. “That Lombardi Thing” explores the made-up (I think made-up) concept of Freudhacking, which is the practice of switching a person’s conscious with their subconscious. Thought-provoking: check. The narrator is…

The Perfect Edge Books blog tour has officially started! What is it? A tour in which blog posts about 3 Perfect Edge Books releases will be posted on various super-duper blogs over the next few weeks. I'm telling you, Perfect Edge Books is going places. Big places. I've genuinely enjoyed and/or loved every book they've published so far in their short few months of existence. If you like my books, or like insightful, rough-around-the-edges, intelligent novels, then definitely check out Perfect Edge Books! See the tour schedule below. I'll be updating the dedicated The Perfect Edge Trifecta tour page as new posts are published. Be sure to check back often for updated links. While you're at it, head over to the blogs listed below and subscribe, why don't ya? You'll like them. They have good stuff to offer. Perfect Edge Books was founded in late 2011 to unite authors whose books weren’t “obviously” commercial. Our books…

Craig Wallwork's The Sound of Loneliness (Perfect Edge Books) takes the concept of a tired, alcoholic, depressed writer and recesses it a generation or so, using a 22 year old protagonist with 52 year old problems. Much of the story’s tension lies between this 22 year old Daniel Crabtree and his teenage infatuation Emma, a tension that similar to Lolita, is meant to rouse conflict, but unlike Lolita, the age and maturity difference between the two characters is such that the reader can imagine the two characters actually working out, given another decade. Also, I manage to work in a Roseanne reference which makes me happier than you can even imagine. Buy The Sound of Loneliness by clicking here:

I'll be in Boston from March 6th - 8th for the annual AWP conference. If you're there, maybe we can meet up. You can buy me a beer. AWP stands for Association of Writers and Writing Programs. Writers? Writing? Of? is what one would say, if they were intrigued, so let’s pretend that you are. What is this AWP event? It's an annual gathering of writer types from all over the world for a 3 day event that's basically a giant literary circle jerk I’ve attended 6 or 7 so far, sometimes to sign books or perform at a reading, sometimes as part of a panel, but most often as a regular conference-goer. It’s a lot of fun either way.

My first novel, Stranger Will, is being re-released this January 25th, 2013 through Perfect Edge Books. However, I have a stack of unedited proof copies from the previous publication that I need to get rid of. Here's where you come in. I will send a free copy (until my limited supply runs out) to anyone willing to read the book and provide a video review. The review doesn't even have to be positive. Just provide your honest response. What's the catch? No catch. I'll even pay for shipping the book to you. Because the book will be released on January 25th, 2013, I'm hoping for reviews to be uploaded as soon as possible. However, if you can't meet the 25th deadline, anytime soon after is quite cool by me. If you have questions, just ask in the comments at the YouTube video page.

Am I the Next Big Thing? Up-front honesty: no, I'm not the Next Big Thing. However, I have been asked by Richard Thomas to be a part of this blog Q&A thing called The Next Big Thing. I'd explain what The Next Big Thing blog Q&A is, but really, little explanation is needed. I was asked the following questions, and in turn, I will ask the following questions of a new group of writers (listed below the responses). On to the self-indulgence. What is the working title of your next book? Technically, it’s Stranger Will, due out January 16th 2013, but that’s a re-release of a novel. As for unpublished work, I’m working on two: The Synapse and The Bettors; I promise neither title will stay, as they both follow an unfulfilled [definite article] [vague noun] pattern that should probably be reserved only for terrible magazine rack thrillers. Where did the idea come…
