Charactered Pieces officially on sale, embarassing pictures to be had

Today, Charactered Pieces officially goes on sale after an absolutely amazing pre-sale period. I can’t thank enough the many people who have traded their hard-earned cash for these bound words of mine. Due to such generosity, I have decided not to use the money to purchase a new Lay-Z-Boy for the PETA compound. They will get a used chair instead. The remaining money goes toward R&D for more painful ways to stub toes. It’s a cause that is close to my heart.
Charactered Pieces is available to purchase in two formats:
1) a perfect bound print version: $7.00 US
2) a .pdf eBook version: $2 US
Either of which can be purchased by visiting the Outsider Writers Collective purchase page.
Now starts the real struggle: getting as many eyes as possible on those pages. I’m truly, honestly, non-fakingly proud of every word in this collection. For that reason, I want to reach as many people as possible (I assure you, I make next to no money on these books, so my motivations lie solely with readers, not sales).
After reading the collection, should you be so kind as to post a review or even a few comments, somewhere (your person blog, a lit mag site,, your MySpace or Facebook page, or – where the book should be available in the coming weeks) send me a link to the review (or, in the case of a print periodical, a note about your review’s publication) and I’ll respond with an embarrassing picture of myself. I am aware that that pictures of me are among the least desirable images in the history of photography, but come on. Alright. Come on.
You could get:
- Dressed as a Ninja (in high school)
- White body, kinda skinny on the beach
- Still white body, but kinda chubby on the beach
- Dreadlocks afraid of the camera
- In junior high, doing the splits in crazy short shorts
- or one of many more…
The pictures are yours to do with what you wish. I only ask that should you post them publicly, you do so with an as funny caption as possible. Or if not funny, just make fun of me.
Finally, should you be interested, check out my few words on the cover design, over at Here’s what ArtJerk is all about:
Art is not art without an audience. Our goal: to wax some visual intrigue and give it (or promote its already established) audience.
We are a small group of friends with a passion for dissecting and understand our surrounding visual accoutrement. We may pull pieces from local galleries, art shows, the internet, and perhaps a few nooks and crannies, too.