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I try to keep this site strictly about writing-related matters, but today warrants a break from that mode. Today is Prematurity Awareness day.

When my wife first told me it was Prematurity Awareness day, I thought she was trying to drop a non-so-subtle hint. “But honey, it’s because you’re so attractive,” I was going to say. But then she saved me by elaborating.

Here’s what the March of Dimes site has to say:

Prematurity has been escalating steadily and alarmingly over the past two decades. One out of eight babies is born prematurely in the United States. Preterm delivery can happen to any pregnant woman.

My wife and I had a preterm baby in January. Born 5 weeks early, our guy had some initial troubles but has since developed into an entirely normal child. As normal as a child of my seed could be, anyway.

So, how can I spread awareness? Other than this blog post (thank you half-dozen readers!), I can send you to a blog that I had kept during my wife’s pregnancy. Of course we didn’t know during the time of this blog that our baby was going to be premature, but I do what I can.

Read Avocados at 3a.m.

In a weird way, I guess this post is about writing.
