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Category Archives Charactered Pieces: stories

Today, I do a double-header. Not only do I offer my Charactered Pieces playlist at Justin Holt's blog, but the Emerging Writers Network blog has been kind enough to post my holiday gift list.  EWN was recently named one of OnlineDegree's top 50 lit blogs. And let's be honest, if you are waiting until today to do your holiday shopping, you likely need this list. Thank me later. Over a beer. See all the rest of the Blog Orgy Tour stops here.

I might get a tattoo. Read about it at Nik Korpon's blog, you filthy, filthy groupie. Then read about other skin deformities (sesame sauce-blistered skin, for example) in my chapbook, Charactered Pieces. Only $7 for a print copy, or $2 for a PDF eBook version. See all of the rest of the stops here.

The folks at just keep getting kinder. Jason Kane has written an absolutely stunning review of Charactered Pieces. My hope, of course, is that reading this review will make you want to read Charactered Pieces. But in the least, I hope it motivates you to check out more reviews from their site. Also, don't forget to check out their forum, where for the month of December, Charactered Pieces is their book club pick. I'll be poking in all month to add to the discussion. You should, too. As a special, and this is only being announced in a few places, you can take $1 off of the price of either the print version or the .pdf eBook version. Maybe this will get your smelly ass over there to the discussion forums. Smelly, smelly ass. Click here to get over to the forums. $5 print version (regularly $6) $1 PDF…

This post is part of my Blog Orgy Tour in support of Charactered Pieces, which is currently available from OW Press (or This post appears simultaneously at Pela Via’s blog. I’ve known Pela Via only a short time, but when a person becomes part of the pack as quickly as she did, you’re forced to either embrace the new face, or find a different crowd. Luckily, I didn’t have to be forced at all to take to her. Her fiction aside (which is great, by the way) she has a willingness to engage in conversation that is sadly quite rare in the world of fiction writers. Some writers tend to monopolize the spotlight. Pela Via is quite comfortable aiming it. Caleb J Ross: What the hell took you so long to begin submitting your fiction? Pela Via: The lit zine world is new to me.  I may have neglected…

The wonderful has chosen my chapbook, Charactered Pieces, as the book club discussion pick. Past books include Kristopher Young's Click, Don DeLillo's Underworld, Gordon Highland’s Major Inversions, and Cormac McCarthy's No Country For Old Men. Please, if you have any thoughts or questions on the book, head over to the forum and offer a few words. I’ll be poking in all month to answer questions. Don't be shy. Books will die unless we talk about them.

Tune up your virtual groupie van. I'm hitting the wwwD.O.T for a blog tour to promote Charactered Pieces: stories. Blog Orgy Tour oh9-ohohoh10 promises to be a beautiful bastardization of legitimate blog posts and self-serving salesy talk, the likes of which will leave you itchy and raw. What is a blog tour? It's a way for authors with no actual-tour budget to use the term "tour" when describing their marketing plans. Why a blog tour? The concept seems fun. I'm going to make stops at various personal and writing-related blogs, offering posts about Charactered Pieces, about me, and about writing in general, that will both promote my chapbook and honor the integrity of each blog I visit. These aren't gimmicky advertisements. They are cleverly disguised advertisements. Where are the tour stops? Great question, hypothetical reader. See the poster below, or visit the dedicated Blog Orgy Tour page for all the…
