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Tune up your virtual groupie van. I’m hitting the wwwD.O.T for a blog tour to promote Charactered Pieces: stories.

Blog Orgy Tour oh9-ohohoh10

promises to be a beautiful bastardization of legitimate blog posts and self-serving salesy talk, the likes of which will leave you itchy and raw.

What is a blog tour? It’s a way for authors with no actual-tour budget to use the term “tour” when describing their marketing plans.

Why a blog tour? The concept seems fun. I’m going to make stops at various personal and writing-related blogs, offering posts about Charactered Pieces, about me, and about writing in general, that will both promote my chapbook and honor the integrity of each blog I visit. These aren’t gimmicky advertisements. They are cleverly disguised advertisements.

Where are the tour stops? Great question, hypothetical reader. See the poster below, or visit the dedicated Blog Orgy Tour page for all the stops. Also, as a bonus for die-hard groupies, some guest posts will contain notes regarding specific stories from Charactered Pieces. There are seven stories (eight if you count the acknowledgments, which is written in a story-like way), so there are seven author notes to track. A full list appears at the bottom of the dedicated page.

Pela Via’s blog | 12-14-2009
No More Hot Lunches for Eddie Socko (Mel Bosworth’s blog) | 12-15-2009
Nik Korpon’s blog | 12-16-2009
Another Example of Your College Degree Not Paying Off (Justin Holt’s blog) | 12-17-2009
What to Wear During an Orange Alert | 12-18-2009
Nothing to Say (xTx’s blog) | 12-21-2009
What Does Not Kill Me (Richard Thomas’s blog) | 12-26-2009
Colin McKay Miller’s blog | 12-28-2009
Wrath of the Karpuk (Nicholas Merlin Karpuk’s blog) | 12-29-2009
Troubadour 21 | 12-31-2009
Bukowski’s Basement | 12-31-2009
Craig Wallwork’s blog | 1-4-2010
Medialysis (Gordon Highland’s blog) | 1-6-2010
Lit Drift | 1-7-2010
3AM Magazine | 1-11 through 1-16-2019 (that’s right, an entire week!)

Some dates may change. It happens. But on the plus side, some dates may be added. If you want your blog to be consider for a stop, email me: caleb {at} calebjross {dot} com

Be sure to leave feedback at these blogs. Let them know they matter.


  1. siiiiiick. filthy sick fun.

  2. Break out the lube! Which in this case is probably that compressed air in a can…

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