Wordless Book Reviews – Paul Tremblay, Chuck Palahniuk, Jose Saramago, Sam Harris (Video Blog Ep 014)

First off, please forgive the video quality here. I was trying a new recording method, which obviously didn’t work that well.
With this episode, I’ve opted for brevity. Here I review four books using only sound effects and facial expressions. The books: The Little Sleep by Paul Tremblay, Damned by Chuck Palahniuk, Seeing by Jose Saramago, and The Moral Landscape by Sam Harris.

I can’t wait until you read a book that’s so good you want to bone it!
I’ve been close. See here for a few options: https://calebjross.com/media/are-you-a-pervert-for-seeing-abstract-and-implied-vaginas-on-book-covers/