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Tag Archives The Sound of Loneliness

The Perfect Edge Books blog tour has officially started! What is it? A tour in which blog posts about 3 Perfect Edge Books releases will be posted on various super-duper blogs over the next few weeks. I'm telling you, Perfect Edge Books is going places. Big places. I've genuinely enjoyed and/or loved every book they've published so far in their short few months of existence. If you like my books, or like insightful, rough-around-the-edges, intelligent novels, then definitely check out Perfect Edge Books! See the tour schedule below. I'll be updating the dedicated The Perfect Edge Trifecta tour page as new posts are published. Be sure to check back often for updated links. While you're at it, head over to the blogs listed below and subscribe, why don't ya? You'll like them. They have good stuff to offer. Perfect Edge Books was founded in late 2011 to unite authors whose books weren’t “obviously” commercial. Our books…

Craig Wallwork's The Sound of Loneliness (Perfect Edge Books) takes the concept of a tired, alcoholic, depressed writer and recesses it a generation or so, using a 22 year old protagonist with 52 year old problems. Much of the story’s tension lies between this 22 year old Daniel Crabtree and his teenage infatuation Emma, a tension that similar to Lolita, is meant to rouse conflict, but unlike Lolita, the age and maturity difference between the two characters is such that the reader can imagine the two characters actually working out, given another decade. Also, I manage to work in a Roseanne reference which makes me happier than you can even imagine. Buy The Sound of Loneliness by clicking here:
