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Tag Archives tardis

tardis tag. Booktube

The Owl's Perch (subscribe: was kind enough to tag me in the TARDIS tag, which was started by Sue Moro (subscribe: I'll be honest, I feel like underqualified for this job. Sure, I've made many booktube videos over that last couple of years, but I've never actually watched Doctor Who. GASP! Que??????? But, I get the show's concept (I think), which I hope was enough to let me do justice to this tag. Thanks so much to The Owl's Perch for tagging me. I anticipate some of you may hate this video. I criticize certain readers of Genesis (from The Bible, not from The Great Britain), Harry Potter, and maybe Doctor Who, though with the later criticization it's more about me making fun of myself for never having watched the show. Mentioned: The Beasts of Upton Puddle by Simon West-Bulford The Soul Consortium by Simon West-Bulford House of…
