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I just found out that Cyberpunk 2077 will release on Google Stadia on the same day as it will release on consoles and PC. So of course I pre-ordered it! Wait, why did I do that. That actually seems kinda dumb. Look, Cyberpunk 2077 looks like it will be amazing. I don’t question my excitement for the game nor my desire to play it as soon as possible. That’s not the dumb part. But when it comes to pre-ordering a game on a streaming service, from a consumer standpoint, from a gamer standpoint, from a not developer or publisher standpoint, pre-ordering a game from a streaming service is pretty dumb. Again, I did this, so I did the dumb thing, and if you also did this dumb thing, funny defend your dumb act. Let’s be friends, bonded by our dumbness. Friends who get to play Cyberpunk 2077 on launch day at...2:00 am? Hey, we’re dumb, remember. Let’s do it.

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I like Google Stadia. I really do. But I’m concerned about what direction the game streaming service is headed. Specifically, I’m concerned because I DON’T KNOW what direction it’s headed. I’m concerned because Stadia hasn’t been vocal about where they are headed and what they want the platform to be. In this video I call attention to the fact that Stadia is lacking crucial marketing efforts, and I think that this void comes down to Stadia not having a stated purpose. But this video isn’t doom and gloom. I think Stadia will be around for a while. Stadia just needs to do better at cultivating a fandom. Like I said, I like Stadia.

How can you play Google Stadia? It’s quite easy, actually. It is so easy, in fact, that I’ve boiled the entire process down to only 7.5 steps. Some gamers may even suggest that 7.5 steps is too many to simply learn how to play Google Stadia. Those people are probably right. You are lucky to have those people in your life. In this video I show you how you can try Google Stadia and be gaming in less than three minutes...unless you are bad at typing. Then it may take you a bit longer than that. Music Credits: Edm Detection Mode by Kevin MacLeod Link: License:

The Google Graveyard is a myth. Well, it's not a myth, myth. It's right there. But the way it's been used as a harbinger of Google Stadia's inevitable doom is wrong. I'm going to tell you why. Ever since Google announced their game streaming initiative, called Stadia, large pockets of the gaming world have doubted its potential to succeed, and some outright hate Stadia for even existing. Now, believe it or not, I don't necessarily blame them. Antagonism towards the unknown can be a natural reaction. I get it. Here's this mega corporation, Google,  trying to buy it's way into the living rooms of gamers who have already aligned themselves to companies and platforms that have had to work hard for years to earn that alignment. Stadia’s existence, to those devoted Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, and PC fans probably feels disingenuous and pompous. But sometimes the justification of that antagonism is…

I’ve really taken to cloud gaming lately, specifically with Google Stadia. I love the convenience. I love the speed from a cold TV to a heated gaming session. But there’s one wall I can’t quite break down when it comes to dumping physical games in favor of an all streaming lifestyle. And that wall is literally physical. In this video I’m going to talk about why I find it hard to abandon physical video games and how I’m hoping to change that, so I can embrace the cloud gaming future. Come with me. Help me. I believe in physical media. Divorcing yourself from a belief can be hard. Wars are fought and lives are lost because of beliefs. Remember the Media Format Wars of 2024? You will. For me, when I want to break a habit or change a belief, I try to learn as much as I can about…

So let's get the bad news out of the way...well, some of the bad news, anyway. Stadia’s refusal to state November 19th as the Cyberpunk 2077 release date all but confirms for me that the game is not going to launch on the same day-and-date as other major platforms. You are safe for now, PS4 pre-order. Before we go any further, please consider subscribing to this channel for more video game content. I’ve done a lot of Stadia focused content lately, and it’s been really fun. The Stadia community has been incredibly welcoming. So, I’ll probably keep doing Stadia content in addition to my normal non-Stadia content. Yes, the July 14th Stadia Connect has come and gone, and overall, I’m a bit deflated. The number of games was underwhelming. The type of games was underwhelming. And I don’t believe Stadia did much to expand the user-base like I think they…

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I pre-ordered Cyberpunk 2077 immediately after the very first teaser for $48 using Best Buy's Gamer Club Unlocked (RIP). The pre-order comes with a steel book, which I don't care about, so I could sell that for a few dollars, bringing my total cost to maybe $40, which is presumably about $20 less than Cyberpunk 2077 will be on Stadia. But I’m actually considering cancelling my PS4 pre-order and buying on Stadia. Why?
