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I’ve been promising an Amazon Luna versus Google Stadia game streaming comparison video for a while now. Finally, here it is. Originally, this versus video was going to be my only Amazon Luna video. But as I played more and more with Luna I realized that I needed to make separate videos dedicated to each of Luna’s important aspects. Those aspects are 1) the controller, 2) the input latency and streaming quality, and then 3) I would also need an overall review video that includes my thoughts on the game selection, user interface, and subscription model. All three of those videos are linked below. So, now that I’m properly familiar with Amazon Luna, I feel like I can make a better comparison against Google Stadia. How does the input latency compare? How does the controller compare? How does the game selection, user interface, and all the other goodies compare? Mentioned:

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People who hate Stadia used to bother me. I like Stadia. But I also like Playstation, Xbox, Nintendo and any other company that wants to contribute to this wonderful world of video games that I love so much. My annoyance wasn’t so much due to an affinity for Stadia specifically. I was annoyed because this new thing, Stadia in this case, resurfaced armies of closed-minded dorks. And those close-minded dorks would inevitably stir up blind supporters and their bickering would bring forth a brand new war fought mostly by the uninformed while disinterested or semi-interested bystanders avoided the warring factions like trying to side-step around a person asking for your signature to support some cause you realize is probably important but not more important than avoiding talking to a stranger about that cause. Basically, what I’m saying is that when Google arrived with Stadia, some full on embraced the new technology, some fought vehemently against the new technology, and some took a sideline to see what would happen. I’m here to tell you, all three stances are important. That’s right. Stadia haters are needed. Blind devotees are needed. Passive onlookers are needed.
