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I’m reviewing all of the Boss Fight Books releases, so subscribe to this channel and click the bell notification icon to be sure you don’t miss future reviews. Writing a book about Super Mario Bros 3 can only be a daunting task. I haven’t confirmed this assumption with the author of this book, Alyse Knorr, but if I had asked her and she said it wasn’t daunting, I wouldn’t have believed her. This is a game that's been played and poured over for decades. It’s often cited by gamers as the best video game ever, or at least their favorite of all time. This is a game that raised the bar for all 2D side-scrolling platformers to come. But beyond all that, writing a book about Super Mario Bros. 3 must surely be intimidating, knowing that so many books have already been written about the game, about the game’s creator, and about the company behind the game. So what is a writer to do?
