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I’m reviewing all of the Boss Fight Books releases, so subscribe to this channel and click the bell notification icon to be sure you don’t miss future reviews. For the next few paragraphs I’m going to tell you why I loved this book, and it may surprise you, but this book isn’t actually just about Red Dead Redemption. But that’s a good thing, I promise. See, this book by Matt Margini does one of the things that, for me, all great books should do. When I reviewed Postal, by Nathan Rabin and Brock Wilbur, I noted another thing that great books do. They force us to ask, and really think about, interesting questions. In that book, the question was: can I love a product made by unlovable people? There’s no definitive answer. It’s a question of ethics and morals that each person has to answer for themselves. What Margini’s book does is the other thing great books should do, which is related to asking great questions: great books should be catalysts for understanding. Margini’s book is perhaps one of the very best examples of a book that takes a seemingly benign topic and uses it as a catalyst to explore something much greater. This book examines the very American idea of frontierism through the lens of Western books and movies, and, of course, a video game.
