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[blackbirdpie url="!/calebjross/status/40298146336608256"] What good is Twitter, really? How do authors use it? How should authors use it? How can readers use it? How can readers and authors use it together? How many more questions can I type here that essentially ask the same thing? In this episode I talk about how I, as an author and reader, use Twitter. But most importantly, I address its limitations. Enjoy. Send any writing and publishing related questions to caleb [at] I will answer them in a future episode. Show Notes and Mentions: Yes, again, Jane Friedman teaches at the University of Cincinnati. Twitter handle: @JaneFriedman Personal examples of professional success using Twitter: Invited to contribute a story to a Rainstorm Press horror anthology Live tweeting at literary events such as the reading at Czar bar in Kansas City and the social media panel at AWP in 2011. Many bloggers and authors have contacted me via Twitter…

  That blog post title, she jests. In fact, this episode contains a few minutes of me talking to myself in preparation for being a good influence at ESU. ESU approached me a few weeks ago to be the first of their authors to participate in the Fall 2011 Visiting Writers Series. I was and still am honored. Click the download button above to hear me fill some time in my car alone with a few words about the then upcoming reading. Show Notes and Mentions: Ron Carlson Dorthy Allison Peter Rock Yes, Jane Friedman teaches at the University of Cincinnati Here is the link to my interview with Jane at the 2011 AWP conference  
