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I just finished Little Nightmares, and as the credits just barely come to an end, I offer up a few thoughts before I’m on to the next game.

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Last year I visited the National Videogame Museum. I quite enjoyed myself. But despite the fun I had, I kept wondering if a videogame museum is really necessary. Watch the video, and then let me know what you think.

Walking Simulator is the one genre that resists being absorbed into a hyphenate. Its mechanics are defined by exclusion. You wouldn't have an infinite runner walking sim, for example, because the genre conventions are polar opposites. Endless runner = go fast, avoid objects. Walking Sim = go slow, explore objects. But even less absurd pairings aren't​ really possible. You couldn’t have an RPG walking sim or an action adventure walking sim, and this is the case primarily because a defining characteristic of a waking sim is the absence of a lose condition. The only option is completing the game.

I’ve been looking forward to Prey for a while, so when a demo comes along, I must play it. I don’t do very many Let’s Plays on this channel, but I’ve made the decision that should I do any more Let’s Plays on this channel, they will likely only be demos. Why? Implicit brevity.  
