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Tag Archives polykill podcast

[powerpress] I like trivia...well, correction, I like knowing answers to trivia questions. Anyone who likes trivia but hates knowing the answers is a straight-up idiot. But that's not what this post is about. This post is about a cool think that I thought would be cool and in fact turned out to be cool. I asked Trav over at the Polykill Podcast and @TravPlaysGames to join me in a podcast pilot episode of sorts. It's a podcast about trivia (see, that who intro about trivia does make sense). The premise is simple: it's a triva game show about video games mixed with a bit of improve goodness. If you enjoy it and would like more, validate us! Let us know at:

Trav (from the Polykill podcast) and I have a conversation about Fallout 76 and how cool it would be to nuke his dumb face.
