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To vote with your wallet simply means to buy products from companies that align with your personal ethics or needs while not buying products from those companies that don’t. It’s easier said than done, for sure. Not everyone has the luxury of choice when it comes to some essential products. If you don’t make enough money to shop elsewhere, it doesn’t matter how many hobos Walmart kills, or how staunchly you are against hobo murder, you’ve got to shop at Walmart and risk getting hobo blood on your shoes. So even the very idea of voting with one’s wallet implies a level of privilege and elitism that many, maybe even most, people simply do not have. But sometimes, for some people, there are non-essential products and services that are “on the ballot” so to speak, and I would argue that for all people video games are firmly non-essential. And Ubisoft is one of those companies that is doing something I don’t like. Do your own research on the company, this article isn’t about taking a stance against Ubisoft. All you need to know is that I will not be giving them any of my money ever again. Again, this article isn’t about condemning a single company, so please don’t click away yet. I'm not asking anyone to do the same as me. Buy what you want. I only mention Ubisoft as an example, one that I’m personally passionate about, so I can explore how changes in video game sales channels affect my ability to vote with my wallet.

I was recently asked by TopSpot123 if I thought Playstation 5 games would appear on Playstation Now, the service from Playstation that allows subscribers to download and steam over 650 games from across three Playstation console generations . Of course they will. Why not? But then I thought more and realized, there’s lots of “whys not” which open up to a larger, and perhaps more interesting question: will Playstation Now ever offer same-day and date exclusives like Xbox’s Game Pass does? So, to the first question: Will Playstation Now feature Playstation 5 games. Yes, Playstation Now, and I’ll throw in Playstation Plus, Playstation’s online service, will have Playstation 5 games. Eventually. Definitely not at launch. Let’s use history as an example. The Playstation 4 was launched in November 2013. Playstation Now was launched just over 1 year later, in January 2015. And it wasn’t until almost 3 years after that…
