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When a person takes interest in my work, I squeal. If you heard a hi-pitched shriek last night, I might be to blame. Craig Wallwork contacted me with a request to ask a few questions about my work and its ethic. Great conversation ensued, supported, I'm certain, not only by Craig's excellent provocative queries, but by the fictional Cat O'Nine Tails ambiance. You can learn: My thoughts on academia and creative writing The importance of online publishing TV/VCR Repair Computer Programming Bookkeeping The origin of my The Velvet username, ThirstyGerbil The best piece of writing advice I've ever received Or you can major in Business Management or Accounting Stick around after the interview and take in a few pieces of Craig's writing. You won't be disappointed. I recommend starting with The Crocodile, if only because any image of a kid pressing his ass against a floor to prevent shitting himself,…
