If gaming has an all-digital future, then digital re-selling will have to be a thing. Robot Cache, a new startup from the founder of Interplay and InXile launches with an eye on tackling re-selling of digital content.
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[powerpress] Subscribe to Masters of Unlocking: A Video Game Podcast by clicking over to the official website Sony & Nintendo recently released their 2017 fiscal year earnings reports - spoiler: they both did pretty damned well! We dive into the results and ask what's next?
(If you'd rather read this essay on your Kindle, you can do so by clicking over to the Kindle store right now) Shoot. Jump. Run. Samus Aran and I, we both came into existence this way. For video game creator Yoshio Sakamoto, those three verbs described all he knew about the project he was told to create, a game that would become 1986’s Nintendo classic Metroid, a game that would seed a cherished series and inspire an entire video game genre. Sakamoto handled the responsibility of those verbs with dignity. My father—never one to care about the gratification of others nor one to welcome responsibility—handled the experience of creating me with the same verbs, though in a different context: shoot (impregnate), jump (get dressed), run (leave). Samus and I, we might as well be siblings, right?
Caleb & Scott dive into a new report by social site Qutee about what video gamers think about gaming in 2018. They examine the results of the report and ask whether it actually tells us anything scientific about gamers or the game industry.