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I recently finished Carrion on the Nintendo Switch. Upon finishing the game, I took to Youtube to join in the chorus of praise. However, I discovered that actually a lot of people feel this game is pretty mediocre. One of my favorite channels, Slope’s Game Room, even came away a bit unimpressed with the game. So, with this video, I try to counterbalance the tepid reactions with my very enthusiastic praise of Carrion. Carrion might be my video game of the year. After watching my video, check out Slope’s Game Room’s Carrion review video.

Untitled Goose Game is my favorite type of game. It's a video game that takes a small number of mechanics and stretches them in increasingly chaotic ways. Here, you play as a goose with the ability to waddle, honk, and pick things up. Your mission: sew the seeds of confusion among the citizens of a small town. You know, goose stuff. Here's the essay I mentioned:

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The least creative thing to say after having played this game is that Human Fall Flat falls flat. And I’m mentally exhausted after playing the game, so that’s what I’ll say. Human Fall Flat falls flat.

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I’m a firm believer in an easy video game. The challenge isn’t what drives me. And that’s what I want to focus on in this video. Video games aren’t simply a vehicle for challenge. And if we can accept that, then the rest of the video should be easy as pie What are your thoughts on game difficulty? Should games have variable difficulty selections or should games ship with a single difficulty inherent to the experience?
