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The credits are rolling on Evoland, a unique JRPG so heavily inspired by early The Legend of Zelda Games, early Final Fantasy games, and Diablo that if I owned any of those properties I’d have an urge to sue.
Watch the rest of the Game's Over Video Game Reviews here at this YouTube playlist.

Gris is a game I've been wanting to play for a while. I held off, because it felt like a game that was inevitably going to be released in a physical format (I like stuff on shelves). The game was worth the wait. Gris is beautiful to look at, only mildly frustrating to play at times, and only about 3 hours long. I played the Special Revserve version on the Nintendo Switch.

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The credits are rolling on Lifeless Planet, a game with a title that marketing people probably hate, but you know, it’s accurate. It’s a game about a lifeless planet. And it’s a game as lifeless but unexpectedly captivating as that title suggests. So, shut up marketing people!

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The credits are rolling on Child of Light, a unique mix of 2D side-scroller and turn-based RPG. You don't see those too mix very often. I don't know why. Maybe video games are racist. But more likely, you don’t see side-scrolling, turn based RPGs because the side-scrolling nature restricts the player’s directional choices. What fun is an RPG if you are forced to battle every single enemy? No fun, that’s what fun. Child of Light handles this by giving the player character, a princess named Aurora, the ability to fly. So, essentially, Child of Light is a top-down game in that you can move in any direction and choose which enemies to engage. That’s either very clever or its cheating.

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The least creative thing to say after having played this game is that Human Fall Flat falls flat. And I’m mentally exhausted after playing the game, so that’s what I’ll say. Human Fall Flat falls flat.
