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Tag Archives mafia III

Mafia 3 is a crime game set in a fully explorable open sandbox 1960’s New Orleans proxy called New Bordeaux, so the first and most important step in finishing Mafia 3 is to yearn for a life in 1960s New Orleans. Step 1: Yearn for a life in 1960s New Orleans There’s lots to love about 1960s New Orleans. It’s got lots of hungry alligators and it’s got lots of bad guys. And therefore, it’s got lot’s of entertainment. As the old New Orleans saying goes, “Laissez les bons temps rouler”, which is French for Let the bad guys roll into the mouths of hungry alligators. A LOT of your time will be spent feeding alligators. Which is to say a LOT of your time will be spent avoiding the actual game missions to instead feed alligators. Much of the fun of sandbox games like Mafia 3 or the Grand…
