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Tag Archives leather book

100 subscribers! It’s a milestone, to be sure. The first milestone of what I hope to be many, many more. Thank you to everyone who has subscribed (and will subscribe, after getting a whiff of what’s being given away to celebrate this 100 subscriber achievement). As a thank you to all subscribers of this book channel, I am giving away a one-of-a-kind, handmade, leather bound edition of Warmed and Bound, an anthology in which one of my stories appears. Warmed and Bound is a truly exceptional collection of dark, noir-inspired stories of sometimes dystopian, sometimes too-real-I-wish-it-were-dystopian fiction. Authors include: Matt Bell, Blake Butler, Vincent Louis Carrella, Craig Clevenger, Brian Evenson, Stephen Graham Jones, Bradley Sands, Paul Tremblay, me, and many, many more, including a forward from Steve Erickson! Click here to watch a video trailer promoting the original Warmed and Bound anthology. I warn you, I’m no professional book binder.…
