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The game-making lessons we mentioned are:
  • Inscryption - A game’s mechanics don’t have to be novel in order to be worth playing or developing around
  • Luigi’s Mansion 3 - Puzzles should have feedback to guide the player. Meandering and luck are not satisfying game mechanics.
  • Doki Doki Literature Club - Video games can still be meta, even after Undertale. If the game’s conceit is unique, being meta isn’t necessarily a death sentence.

The amazing Laurance Kitts interviews me for his Slit Your Wrists Magazine website, a site that frequent visitors may recognize; my story "Sebaceous" appeared there back in April. Laurance knows how to ask questions without bowing to a person's ego, so you can read this Q&A without anticipating a pretentious me basking in the warmth of praise. I mean, sure, Laurance does feed me some softballs, but...those are easier to chew.
