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As a long-time naysayer regarding the merits—specifically literary—of The DaVinci Code, I felt it was time to come clean about my aesthetic appreciation of the book. The fact remains that The DaVinci Code is, in terms of writing as an art, a piece of poo. But in terms of storytelling and entertainment, it’s as good as anything else out there. Watch now as “Mark” reveals his appreciation for the The DaVinci Code.

Hear the amazing, 100% true(ish) story of how I got my copy of Jonathan Franzen’s Freedom signed by the author during an author reading in Kansas City on September 22, 2010. You’ll hear the first-hand account of my bravery in the face of an elderly security guard, the strength of punches needed to take babies down, and why I’m glad Franzen is an author rather than a professional investment broker.

I've been awful about posting notices here telling all you lovely people when I have a new blog tour post go live. And today's (yesterday's) failure on my part is especially effed up, as the infamous and aesthetically mysterious xTx has allowed me a day on her blog. See if I ever get invited back. I write about my inherent, and unnecessary, need to turn everything I say into something potentially humorous. Success or no, I'm addicted. Click here to read the guest post. Also, don’t forget that if you comment on all guest blog posts, you will get free stuff.
