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Tag Archives Gold Dust Magazine

The new issue of UK's Gold Dust Magazine is available for sale. Also as a free .PDF download. Acquire by any means necessary. Featuring fiction by Alan Kelly, Jim Meirose, Robert Edward Sullivan, Robert Dando, the always impressive Christopher J. Dwyer, the always disappointing Caleb J Ross, THE Richard Thomas, V Ulea, Sam Szanto, and the get-your-autographs-now-because-he-will-be-dead-(and-famous)-someday Nik Korpon. Also, crammed inside is an interview with China MiĆ©ville. I'm so damn happy to share page space with names like these. And now for the self-petting portion of the post. Author's notes: I've long been interested in the artist's (in this case, writer's) lack of control once a piece has its frame and audience (in this case, its binding and reader). The audience truly has more control over a work of art, writing, whatever, than the creator. A jury of our peers, sort of thing. Authorial intent is important for the…
