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The new year greets us with a few laughably dumb awareness events. Join me and Wichita-based stand up comedian Doug Wilson as we discuss 6 such events...well, that's not true; not all of the 6 are dumb. But with our commentary, they sure seem dumb. Visit Doug:

It’s been a while since I’ve done a book review. It feels weird, like I’m returning to an abandoned lover, hoping for a warm reception. Please, viewer, take me back! This time I’m looking at The Colony by Jillian Weise, a novel about a science collective/get-away for people with genetic abnormalities. But this book is less The X-Men and more if Gilmore Girls had predispositions to suicide and strange abilities to grow missing appendages. Trust me, it makes sense. Should you be interested in reading The Colony, I’d appreciate you purchase using the link below (I get a very small percentage): Paperback: Kindle:
