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I've reached 1,000 subscribers! This is a big deal for me. For many YouTube channels 1,000 subscribers is something that happens within weeks. For me it's taken just over 2 years. I don't make the most accessible videos, I know. I make videos about books (strike 1) that many people have never heard of (strike 2) that tend to be longer than 1 ½ minutes (strike 3). The fact that I reached 1,000 subscribers at all is a bit of a miracle. To celebrate this milestone I'm doing something special. I'm giving away books. If you are a YouTuber, all you have to do is make a video for your channel that promotes my channel. Let me know when the video is posted. Then, I send you any book you want (within monetary reason; I'm not rich). I want to thank every one of my 1,000+ subscribers for looking forward…
