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EDIT: Instead of new posts each day, I figure I'll just keep a running list here of the Buzzwords posts: Brought to you by Caleb J Ross. The first name in durability. The last name in class (posted 1/11/2010): this is my welcome post Part one in a one part series of cartoons based on blog posts I recently read (posted 1/12/2010): Someone at HTML Giant commented about the impossibility of music influencing literature. This is my rebuttal. Dear 3:AM Magazine (posted 1/13/2010): My love letter to 3:AM. Compromising photograph included. Five for: Scott C. Rogers of Black Coffee Press (posted 1/14/2010): Five questions for Black Coffee Press founder, Scott C. Rogers ampere’s and (posted 1/15/2010): A gathering of miscellaneous lit links from around the internets We can smell bullshit. We thrive on passion (posted 1/15/2010): Another answer to someone's post, this one about a forum member who tried hocking…

Today, as one of the final stops on my Blog Orgy Tour, my 3AM Magazine Buzzwords blog takeover continues, this time with a short, five question series for Black Coffee Press founder, Scott C. Rogers. I ask him, among other things, why he started this press and why people should care. This is hard-hitting journalism.

Today, as part of my week-long stint at the 3AM Magazine blog I offer a love letter to my beautiful host. You should join in; she's open to multiple partners. And as always, I urge you to check out my past Blog Orgy Tour stops here.

@, Ben Tanzer, author of Most Likely You'll Go Your Way and I'll Go Mine (Orange Alert Press) said this amazing bit about Charactered Pieces: While there is weirdness in these stories, not to mention biblical allegories and tales of suicide and the holocaust, what lingers is an underlying thread about the impact parents, fathers in particular, have on our lives whether through their presence or more often their absence. Ultimately, the stories are like a collective punch to the chest, though none more so than An Optimist is the Human Personification of Spring which caused me to lose my breath for a fleeting moment as I sat on the train and still haunts me even as I write this. @ Le Salon Annex, Kristin Fouquet (author of the story collection, Twenty Stories) gives Charactered Pieces a fantastic review. If her collection, which is next in my to-read stack,…

Just a few more stops on this crazy marathon tour. This thing has been amazing. Today, I get a bit learn-y as I hit Gordon Highland's (author of Major Inversions) Medialysis blog. In his words, regarding the purpose of Medialysis: The idea is to share knowledge, identify and critique trends, stir the muse, and further our professional development. I advise from personal experience, offer tips, tricks, and quickie tutorials, link to items of interest, and just generally pimp stuff I think rocks. With some laughs along the way. I play my role with an answer to a question posed of me via Facebook. It's a writing concern I've heard often, so I hope a few people find my answer useful. Paraphrased, "how can I workshop my stories without peeing my pants?" After finding out the answer at Medialysis, why not flip back through my previous Blog Orgy Tour stops, and…

Today, Jason Kane is kind enough to have me at his blog. I've known Jason for a few years, and have been consistently impressed with his writing. There's not much of it out there to read, but here's hoping, fingers crossed and all that, that he starts putting some more out there soon. I post over there a bit about my story creation process. There's even scans from my "junk binder." Not that said binder contains any secrets, but come on, we're all voyeurs. And don't forget to check out the rest of the stop, here.
