Yesterday I appeared on ASNYCNOW's Blog Talk Radio where I discussed my book, my role as an editor at the Outsider Writers Collective, my future publications, The Velvet, my upcoming AWP reading, and on top of all that self-promotion, I was inundated with compliments from the unbelievably nice Vicki S. Nikolaidis. Though technical issues had me cutting in and out through much of the discussion, and my voice had a space echo, all in all I had a great time. Thank you, Vicki! Click below to listen: Caleb J Ross on Blog Talk Radio's ASNYCNOW
@ Blinding Loud, Sean P. Ferguson gives some great words about Charactered Pieces: The stories don’t change you because they cause you to rethink how you’re living in some great respect. You’re not forced on with issues that want you to decide whether or not to have an abortion, or pick a side when it comes to same sex marriage. They don’t beat down your door demanding that you give all of your belongings to charity. You’re presented with life and the ability to deal with what you’re dealt. Now put down what you’re doing, read, and start to live. Really live. Because if these people can, so can you, we all have Charactered Pieces in us. @, site namesake and author, Ken Wohlrob, says some very flattering things about Charactered Pieces: The prose is punchy and has a great rhythm to it, especially when the stories are told…
As I mentioned in a previous post, I’ll be one of a great group of writers to read at Leela European Café on April 9th in Denver. I’ve done a few readings in the past, despite the live aspect being something writers don’t often get to experience. I’ve been lucky, I guess. I am perhaps more excited to see and meet these people more than I am to actually read some of my own work. That’s natural. I’m humble by nature. Humble and handsome. The unwritten rule is that writers should read from something either freshly published or contracted for publication. For me, that would be my story collection, Charactered Pieces. But another, perhaps not entirely unwritten rule, is that when crowds and drinks are involved, the best type of material to read is work both funny and short. Charactered Pieces, though it contains elements of each, doesn’t contain any…
I read somewhere (or maybe I didn’t; reading is for suckers) that the author/promoter divide is a 70/30 ratio. I’d go further, and flip those numbers, giving the promoter hat a 70% weight. If I’ve learned anything with pushing Charactered Pieces these last few months it’s this: writing is a dirty, dirty game.
The dream of churning out books, leaving the advertising and promotion to the publisher, is more a point of Norman Rockwell Nostalgia than a truth. Or at least my experience of it is. Of course, I accept that this may be my own inadequacies speaking, as some authors do get to live the dream. But most do not. Definitely fewer than in years past. Or is that statement also romanticized nostalgia?
Over the past few months, since Charactered Pieces’s November 16th, 2009 release, I’ve been guilt-ridden for my relative unproductively. When compared historically, this last quarter or so has been remarkably and dishearteningly word-free. But a sudden realization, perhaps evoked by a recent email conversation with author, Pablo D’Stair, made me realize just how much I have actually done these past months. So, as a way to comfort myself, here’s a list of my recent writing-related accomplishments.
- Promotion. I’ve considered it a hindrance to writing all this time, but really I must think of it as network-building, as meeting more people who could very well become important components to my writing. Pablo D’Stair, for instance, we would not have met had it not been for my incessant (re: annoying) promotion.
- Tim Hall’s One Damn Thing After Another. I helped bring this fantastic collection to light. Who the hell am I to think of that as time wasted?
- Revised chapters of my novel-in-progress. I’m working through revisions on one of my unfinished novels, with the help of some very talented writer friends. Since January, I’ve edited five chapters. Some of the changes have been substantial and could be considered full rewrites. Meaning: I get to credit that as writing time.
- Outsider Writers Collective. I’ve unexpectedly taken on a stronger role over at, which included updating the website in January. Hopefully, the redesign makes for a better experience. The traffic numbers seem to show that more people are visiting. That, or SPAMbots.
- AWP Blog. In preparation for my April trip to Denver for the AWP (Association of Writers and Writing Projects) Conference, I set up a blog ( which consists of writer contributors who will document the conference via Twitter, TwitPic, YouTube, and traditional blog posts. Gathering contributors, setting up panelist interviews, and spreading the word have taken quite a bit of time. Not to mention the…
- AWP off-site reading. I organized a reading at Leela’s European Café in Denver for April 9th, which will feature OW Press authors/contributors and members of The Velvet writing community. You’ll get tired of me talking about this, for sure; I am damn excited. And on this topic, another ellipsis…
- New stories for AWP reading. The standard reading usually features an author reading from his/her most recent release. This is fine. Most of the time. But I anticipate drinks and noise being involved, so something short and funny would probably work better (my Holocaust story, “The Camp,” may be funny to some, but it’s probably not a safe bet to count on an audience full of Nazis). So, I have started a couple new pieces. I feel great about them.
- Conversation with Pablo D’Stair. I’ve never met anyone more passionate about literature than this guy. He thrives on conversation about words. He isn’t interested in profiting from his writing, nor is he interested in helping others to profit. He is the consummate literary philosopher. Over the last month or so, we’ve had a great back-and-forth via email about Charactered Pieces (and writing in general), that I understand he intends to print as part of a rebirth of his magazine, Predicate. He pulled a lot out of me that had been simmering for a number of years. More on this to come once it is printed.
@ What to Wear During an Orange Alert, my story "Sarah Palin, 12 Strikes for Workers" is on the Watch List. You should read, too (Note: I know, taking a shot at Sarah Palin is easy...maybe that's why I did it.) @ Deckfight Mel Bosworth names Charactered Pieces as one of the five best things he's read recently. I share the list with Ben Tanzer, not bad company at all. @ Goodreads and Amazon the positive reviews of Charactered Pieces keep coming in. @ Full of Crow Charactered Pieces gets a great few words of praise. It's almost like I have valid words to contribute to this world. @ Write Club News, Mlaz hooks Write Club up with a news blog to show off the successes of Write Club members. It's a very cool way to group all of us together. Thank, Marky!
Though the official Blog Orgy Tour has sadly passed, I'm still shaking off the effects. Today, I introduce the hangover post, a guest post that could have been part of the Blog Orgy Tour if only I weren't so busy with groupies and drugs (truth: books and dominoes). Today, at Michael Paul Gonzalez's blog, I talk a bit about the true purpose of a blog. My post acts as a ribbon-cutting ceremony of sorts, as this is the first post in Michael's revamped blog. I'm honored. And if you still want, all of the past Blog Orgy Tour posts are still available, here.
Simple. Just add my book, Charactered Pieces, to your "to read" list over at and I'll send you a super secret crazy spy-esque link to get a signed copy straight from me for only $5 (unsigned, ego-free copies available, too; just tell me which you want). The regular price of this collection is $7. That's a...don't tell me...$2 savings. The link will come via a Friend Request. You don't even have to accept the request. How's that for noncommittal? $5 for a damn good collection of stories. It's not a Subway footlong, but it probably won't give you diarrhea.