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The credits have rolled on Trover Saves the Universe. Well, actually they haven’t. Not yet. But they will. I’m still playing it. And I do intend to finish it. I just feel confident that the endgame won’t surprise or delight me enough to make this early review an invalid review. Incomplete, perhaps. But not unfair. See, Trover saves the Universe is primarily a showcase for Justin Roiland’s brand of noncommittal riffing. Imagine you were to accuse a drunk neighbor of pooping on your carpet, and that drunk neighbor insists he did no such thing, delivering his appeal with all the incoherence and verbal hurdling over swallowed-down almost-vomit that a drunk neighbor would of course exhibit, and proudly so. That’s essentially every one of Roiland’s characters. Basically, you get the sense that Roiland’s voice recording sessions are just him, probably high, vocalizing every single thing that comes to his mind. Sure, he’ll pause to gather his thoughts or jump into an alternate take, but where less confident writers may insist the pauses and jumps be edited out, Roiland seems to insist the opposite. It comes across as brash laziness. And I freaking love it.

It’s been a while since I’ve uploaded a video. But don’t worry; I still love videogames. In fact, my love of videogames is the main reason I have not uploaded a video for so long. Mentioned: My game development journey My itchio page (contains only html5 games)

It’s pretty common knowledge that Youtube comments can be mean. Recently, a viewer asked me to make a video exploring why the comments are mean. Be sure to stick around to the end of the video where I give two tips on how to handle negative comments that your own videos may receive. Mentioned: Full deindividuation video Getting Gamers: The Psychology of Video Games and Their Impact on the People who Play Them by Jamie Madigan
