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The Perfect Edge Books blog tour has officially started! What is it? A tour in which blog posts about 3 Perfect Edge Books releases will be posted on various super-duper blogs over the next few weeks. I'm telling you, Perfect Edge Books is going places. Big places. I've genuinely enjoyed and/or loved every book they've published so far in their short few months of existence. If you like my books, or like insightful, rough-around-the-edges, intelligent novels, then definitely check out Perfect Edge Books! See the tour schedule below. I'll be updating the dedicated The Perfect Edge Trifecta tour page as new posts are published. Be sure to check back often for updated links. While you're at it, head over to the blogs listed below and subscribe, why don't ya? You'll like them. They have good stuff to offer. Perfect Edge Books was founded in late 2011 to unite authors whose books weren’t “obviously” commercial. Our books…

75 blog posts. Seven-five. It’s hard to believe that I started this marathon blog tour back in March. I’ve had some good times promoting my novels, and it’s fitting that I can revisit and summarize some of those good times at the Big Other blog, which was the second stop on my tour all those months ago. Click here to read the final guest post of the Stranger Will Tour for Strange blog tour. Also, don’t forget that if you comment on all guest blog posts, you will get free stuff.

I have a problem with purchasing domains and never using them. In all I have about 20, all but 5 or so go unused. Many of the domains are literature themed. Today at Shaking Like a Mountain, I offer possible uses for these domains. Click here to read the guest post. Also, don’t forget that if you comment on all guest blog posts, you will get free stuff.

I've been making a few videos lately. They aren't well-produced by any means, but hopefully they bring a smile to 80% of people who watch them (for the other 20% I hope for frowns; got to maintain my street cred, right?). Today my blog tour brings me to Dan Donche's blog where I offer a reaction video of me watching content on his website. It's meta. Click here to watch the guest post video. Also, don’t forget that if you comment on all guest blog posts, you will get free stuff. UPDATE: Here's the video for your viewing pleasure.

For this post, so graciously hosted by Tom Williams, author of the incredible The Mimic's Own Voice, I was going to take the title of his book literally and write something verbatim from one of Tom's previous posts. But then I realized that such a thing would be stupid. Instead I write about something that I feel I am always defending, so I figure it's time I write a post about it. Click here to read the guest post. Also, don’t forget that if you comment on all guest blog posts, you will get free stuff.

Author bio photos often seem to me as stuffy, strangely manicured posturing that is supposed to be a way to connect the reader to the author (and drive sales), but do they work? I'm not sure. However, they are good for displaying humorous captions. Check some out today at Chris Deal's blog. Click here to read the guest post. Also, don’t forget that if you comment on all guest blog posts, you will get free stuff.
