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Tag Archives amazon cloud gaming controller review

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The Amazon Luna controller is the latest entry in the world of modern video game controllers. Is it a good controller? The last few console generations have brought us close to ergonomic controller perfection. The standard d-pad, dual thumbstick, 4 face button, 4 bumper/trigger layout is perfect. Video game controllers in 2020 feel great. The Amazon Luna controller is no different...mostly. While the Luna controller is similar to all modern controllers in all the ways I mentioned above, it’s most similar to the Nintendo Switch Pro controller in terms of size, weight, and asymmetrical analog stick placement. If you have a Nintendo Switch Pro controller, pick it up and you’ve got a good understanding of what the Luna controller feels like. But the hand grips on the Luna controller are problematic. The controller handles are shaped such that they force your hand into a weird position that makes reaching every button a bit of a chore. Watch this video to hear more about this big design flaw. Mentioned:
