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Tag Archives 50 year sword

I anticipate some reactions to this video book review will be negative. Of those negative reviews, I anticipate 3 response types: Hatred from those that haven’t read the book, but simply want to defend Mark Z. Danielewski (I understand this feeling, believe me; and despite how I feel about The Fifty Year Sword, I will continue to defend Danielewski, even if only for his potential; House of Leaves remains one of my favorite novels of all time) Hatred from those who have read the book, and claim that I’m simply too dumb to “get it” (again, I understand this feeling and am willing to embrace this possibility) Hatred from those who have read it and claim to like it. It’s this last group that I’m most interested in. Those of you in this last group, please, please, please help me understand what I must have missed. I want to like…
