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My game, I Can Hear Them Coming, was recently showing in an episode of IGN and Rogue Game’s Rogue Jam show.

I don’t really have much to say about the experience, as my participation was limited (though don’t let that imply that my excitement was limited…I was, and still am, incredibly excited to have been a part of this). The process was pretty straightforward. 1) I entered the contest. 2) I got an email saying that my game moved on to the next round and that I need to submit some clips of me answering a list of questions, 3) Episode 1 of show goes live on YouTube, and there I am. Unexpectedly seeing my game on the show was surreal, for sure.

While my game didn’t win (and, for the record, I agree with the judges in choosing other games), that won’t stop me from pretending that I have kinda, sorta shared a stage with Reggie Fils-Aimé, Peer Schneider, and Daemon Hatfield.

For anyone who wants only the Caleb bits, go to minutes 3:27 and 4:50 of the video, linked below.

Watch Rogue Games Awards $50k to One Game with Huge Potential | Rogue Jam Ep. 1
