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Search Results For chuck palahniuk

[responsive_vid] At Burning Books I take a funny approach to the world of literature with thoughtful--and generally immature--reviews of books, writing tips, rants and discussions, and sometimes comedy skits for no better reason than avoiding the novel I'm supposed to be writing. [divider3 text="Would you like to subscribe for free on YouTube?"] I've been making YouTube videos at my Burning Books…

Me: Author of 5 books of fiction, creator of funny video content, Twitter following cultivator, YouTube personality, crowd pleaser, book seller, and proponent of the Oxford comma. You: Publisher looking for an author who knows all about platform building, book selling, and people pleasing. Dollar signs turn you on. Command of the English language turns you on more. Lovely to…

Man dies while having sex with a vacuum cleaner

Ever since man discovered his penis he’s dreamed of sticking it into things. It seems unfair for a single extremity to have so much power over a person, but the way I see it, if it weren’t the penis it’d be something worse, like the brain. And you don’t want that; a man’s brain can be dangerous. So dangerous, in…

Every once-in-a-while one of my novels gets promoted as a FREE Kindle eBook for about a week. That every-once-in-a-while has come again, now. Head over to to get your absolutely FREE copy of I Didn't Mean to be Kevin. No fine print (except for the super fine ass print that is I Didn't Mean to be Kevin). Click to…

Thanks to Gordon Highland for bringing this Charactered Pieces review to my attention. Generally my ego is a pretty good magnet for the rare praise floating around out there. And of course, super thanks to Dakota Taylor and Insomnia Press for the kind, kind words. "Charactered Pieces is on par with...early novels by Chuck Palahniuk. The difference is, Palahniuk sucker…
