Organ donation as a front for petty theft: Three Days Ahead, new fiction in Thuglit issue 8

My story, “Three Days Ahead,” has been published in the recently released issue 8 of Thuglit. I’ve been reading Thuglit fairly consistently since Nik Korpon’s entry (issue 2, I believe), and have come to really like it for it’s straight-forward, no nonsense approach to crime fiction. That being said, I don’t actually write straight-forward, no nonsense crime fiction. Actually, I’ve never really considered myself a crime fiction writer at all. Many (maybe most) of my stories do contain crime elements, but as actual crime writers will probably attest, crime alone does not a crime story make.
But I had an opportunity. I originally wrote a similarly themed story that ended up being a bit of a mess. So, during a rewrite of that story I ended up with “Three Days Ahead,” which by comparison to the early version is much more focused, much more emotional, and a lot less flashy-for-the-sake-of-flashy. In other words, it was a Caleb J. Ross story. I was proud of it. The story is about a man who convinces the victim of a car wreck to portray her minor scars as proof of organ donation reception. The two then find family members of organ donators in hopes of grifting a few dollars on the emotional ruse.
Apparently Todd Robinson over at Thuglit thought it was pride-worthy as well. Many thanks to him.
Click over to Amazon to buy an ebook or paperback version of Thuglit, issue 8, containing all of the following stories:
- MCFERRIN AND BLACK by Buster Willoughby
- EXTRAS by Mark Pruett
- THE HIGHER THE HEELS by Patti Abbott
- COCAINE STARLIGHT by Isaac Kirkman
- THREE DAYS AHEAD by Caleb J. Ross
- NOTHING TO LOSE by David A. Summers
- NOT EVEN A MOUSE by Nolan Knight