More Stephen King Family Guy references. Surprised? You shouldn’t be.

(part of my ongoing Unexpected Literary References series)
An old episode, and honestly one of my least favorites. Not sure why, but this one just never did it for me. These two references come from the season two episode titled “A Picture Is Worth 1,000 Bucks” in which Chris becomes a hot-shot New York artist.
First, an evil stuffed clown at a carnival:
Stewie: “Ooooo how deliciously evil looking! It’s like something out of Stephen King”
The evil clown doll may be a reference to King’s character “Pennywise the Clown” from his novel“IT!” (catch credit goes to
The above aside then leads directly into the second Stephen King gag, a more direct reference in which King (voiced by Seth MacFarlane) sells his publisher (or agent) on a terrible idea for a book. The publisher, of course, buys it.
Stephen King: Okay, for my 307th book .. this couple is attacked by a… uh… A lamp monster! .. ooh…
Publisher/Agent: You’re not even trying anymore, are you?
King: ..
Publisher: When can I have it?