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First, and you’ll get tired of me saying this, thank you to all who have preordered Charactered Pieces.

As mentioned in the previous post, some of you may have been refunded by PayPal. Big whoops on that. I received a list of all the people whose orders were NOT affected by the pre-order fiasco. I sent an email or PM to all of those beautiful people letting them know that they were not affected at all by the mix up and that their orders will ship as originaly promised. So, everyone who ordered should have either received a PayPay refund or an email from me.

If you received a refund, please re-order using the button at the following link (it is the same page as before, but the button has been updated).

So, in summary, all is as it was before. Preorders will still contain all the goodies as promised on the order page (maybe more, considering the craziness).
