Like Brian Evenson? > Kill Author has published my short story homage to the man

I have been reading > Kill Author for quite some time. The fiction they publish rarely disappoints, the editors are anonymous, and the layout of the site makes reading super-dooper easy. So when they accepted my story Evenson’s Tongue for publication, I felt truly unworthy.
Readers of this blog will know that I am a fan of Brian Evenon’s work. He is consistently impressive. His work does things with the grotesque that many writers try yet few accomplish. So, a few years ago I wrote this piece, “Evenson’s Tongue” (a play on the title of his collection Altmann’s Tongue), as a way to say thank you to the man and his work. I even had the opportunity to give Evenson a copy of the story at the Austin AWP Conference in 2006.
Click over to > Kill Author to read the story. Bonus: I recorded an audio version of the story which can be found above the story at the > Kill Author site.