I’ve never read Harry Potter. You can change that.

So, you say you love Harry Potter and that everyone should read it? Now is your chance to put your money where you mouth is.
Every year I help raise money for a foundation called The March of Dimes. My child, who you can see hilariously featured a few videos from my daily vlog channel (linked above) was born about 5 weeks early, and so benefited greatly from the research and advances in care for premature infants, which is what March of Dimes does.
Normally, I just beg friends and susceptible strangers for donations. This year I wanted to do something different.
For every 2 dollars I receive in donations, I will read 1 page of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. At the end of each week, I will tally the donations, read the appropriate number of pages, and then record a video where I will offer my thoughts on the book so far.
If I don’t receive enough donations for The March of Dimes to read all 309-ish pages (that’s about $618, depending on the edition I read) then I won’t finish the book…ever. I’m not kidding. So, it’s in your hands Potter fans.
To donate, simply go to http://cjrlit.com/potterbaby, all lowercase to donate. Any amount of money helps.
Also, if you put your youtube channel name in the message box when you donate then I will mention you and your channel in my final Thank You video after APRIL 28th.
The deadline for donations is APRIL 28th!
Please, share this video. It’s the only donation drive of its kind that I’m aware of.