Interviewed at the Books and Booze podcast. I think I validate 50 Shades of Grey as culturally relevant…

A couple of nights ago I was invited to be the interviewee on an episode of the burgeoning and fun Books and Booze podcast. This, episode 4, has me chatting books with Renee Pickup and Dakota Taylor, sans books or booze in my hands, unfortunately.
We talk a lot about my books, of course, but we get larger issues such as the implied cultural relevance of books that we (Renee, Dakota, and myself) don’t necessarily assume are good (ahem…50 Shades of Grey…) but must strike a unique chord if they are selling so well. We don’t always have to agree with cultural shifts, I suppose. But we’re all interested, it would seem, in the idea that mass consumption of a product must mean that product has some relevance beyond the aesthetic (but if now, doesn’t wide aesthetic appeal still say something about a culture).
Anyway, it was tremendous fun. Thanks to both of them for killing an hour with me. Click over this is amazing podcast episode to listen (or use the player above). Better get over there quick, too; Books and Booze only keeps the latest 2 hours of its programming live, meaning in 2 more interviews, my interview will no longer be available!