Insomnia Press for Charactered Pieces: “One of the most moving and diverse pieces of work I’ve read in years”

Thanks to Gordon Highland for bringing this Charactered Pieces review to my attention. Generally my ego is a pretty good magnet for the rare praise floating around out there. And of course, super thanks to Dakota Taylor and Insomnia Press for the kind, kind words.
“Charactered Pieces is on par with…early novels by Chuck Palahniuk. The difference is, Palahniuk sucker punches the reader with his prose and knocks your teeth out, leaving you bleeding and cheering. Caleb is a little more sneaky. Charactered Pieces spikes your drink and has you in someone’s trunk before you even know it…One of the most moving and diverse pieces of work I’ve read in years.”
Read the full Charactered Pieces review here.
And if you are so bold, find links to buy Charactered Pieces here.