No ideas for your NaNoWriMo novel? Come to NaNoBraSto (National Novel Brain Storm) on October 16th. We do the ideas for you.
Okay, we aren’t doing the work for you. But we are giving you a pleasant bump. Not as in cocaine. Unless you’re writing a book about cocaine. Perhaps a family of W.A.S.P (“pleasant”) take to cocaine to help them through their rigid dinner conversations, most of which painfully circumnavigate the 8 weeks pregnant daughter (another “bump”…). It works. For a while. Until the son, Tommy Fitzgerald, brings a friend to dinner. This friend, unbeknownst to the W.A.S.P family, happens to be the son of the city police chief and may be the baby’s father. A Pleasant Bump is a story of a family finding ways to bond in unlikely places, and of the law that tears them apart.
There’s one idea for you right there. See, that was easy.
Join me, Sarah Jane Connor (MotherEffingBooks), Liz Vallish (ElizzieBooks), and perhaps a few other guests as we extemporaneously formulate a collection of absurd, humorous, and most certainly weak, plots for your NaNoWriMo novel.
When: October 16th, 2013 – 8:30pm CST (US time)
Where: Online at
What to expect: a low key hour of laughing about ridiculous plot concepts that no sane person should ever try. However, IF a person (sane or otherwise) does use one of the ideas generated during the show, and a finished novel comes of it, then prizes will be given. We aren’t sure what yet, though we do anticipate some amazing.
RSVP at the Google+ Event page here: