HeavyShelves asks writing questions. You learn something. Everybody wins.

Andrew, known as HeavyShelves in BookTube land, was kind enough to invite me to a Google Hangout a few nights ago where he treated me like a rockstar for almost 3 hours. That’s a long time, especially when you consider the time frame was 12am – 3am his time (he’s in the UK).
I definitely encourage you to take a watch. Or, just listen, as you would a podcast (visually, it’s pretty much just webcam style cuts between his face and mine…except for one truly amazing appearance by Nicholas Cage…see image below).
Andrew asked some great questions, and we had some great discussions. List for these gems:
- My publishing history (and the importance of knowing people, starting here)
- Writers need to know their productivity limitations (more about why I can’t be allowed to write 8 hours/day, starting here)
- The importance of caring about what you write (the real “write what you know” advice, starting here)
- What book am I working on now? (Southern Gothic set on an island, starting here)
- And much, much, much more (starting everywhere)
Nicholas Cage stops by: