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From Chronik Spartan in response to this usability review:

What a fantastic presentation! Clear, precise and incredibly relevant. Every point you made was valid and gave clear direction on how the issues can be resolved. I’ll be addressing those issues in v0.5 and will be more than happy for a second look once the issue are addressed.

Via Twitter:

I’ve been working a lot on the Usability aspect of #GymEmpire recently and seeing massive improvement. Thanks to the amazing work from
@calebjross! If any #gamedev need a thorough and incredibly helpful Usability Test I thoroughly recommend you get in touch with Caleb.

This is a usability review of Gym Empire (Chronik Spartan) conducted by Caleb J. Ross in April 2021. This usability review can be accessed in two ways:

The userfocus decision tree referenced in the video and slides can be found at

Presentation format has been adapted from Steve Bromley’s “What’s in a games user research report?” article.
